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This is your Testimonial quote. Use this space to share clients’ reviews about you, your services and exciting success stories. Get your site visitors excited to work with you!

Pastor Wendy Yong
Associate Chaplain

Our senior mentor. Quite lame but that helps him make friends with people. Qualified chef, very picky with his pasta and claims to make the world's best mushroom soup

Nicholas Tay
Senior Mentor

The other full time mentor. Real shooketh at life. Knit fanatic, animal crossing enthusiast. Willing to challenge Nick in cooking (a losing battle). But better than Nick at singing

Marion Yeo
Senior Mentor

Resident media expert, musician and Apple connoisseur (will buy every apple product upon release) Has a museum in his home. Will be upset if you make fun of Star Wars

Darrel Goh
Senior Mentor

Our Team: Testimonials
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